Favorite Beauty Products
Friday, June 14, 2013
This is a gradual tanning lotion and it works great. It doesn't go on streaky or blotchy at all, and it doesn't smell weird like most self tanning lotions. This stuff is awesome for spring time when your not tan enough to go to the pool yet. I know its summertime already and most of you may already have your tan, but if not this is my recommendation. Plus it's only about 6 bucks at Walmart!
I use these corrective concealer everyday from ELF. It's only $3 and It works really well at hiding my blemishes and under eye circles. The concealer works by using complementary colors like green concealer on a red pimple to kinda cancel out the color. I usually cover it with a normal concealer as well.
I love this smoothing lotion, it smells soo good and also works well for my frizz and fly away hair. I think it's only about $7 and it lasts for a while. I use this stuff after I've already styled my hair just to make it lay down on my head and not poke up all over the place.
I just got this perfume recently, and I really like it. Obviously I bought the perfume because I think it smells great haha. It's Mary Kay perfume and it was only about $30. I am loving it so far, I will be buying more for sure.
This perfume is also Mary Kay. I would assume its around the same price, but I'm not for sure. I keep a little travel sized roll on of this scent in my purse, it's super handy and of course smells good( which is really the only thing we care about in a perfume).
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