Alrighty, lets get to it. You need to buy a couple things while you're at the Dollar Store. I picked up this tinsel wreath to use as the base. I grabbed 3 boxes of bells (1 large gold, 1 large silver, and 1 box of mixed gold and silver smaller bells.) I also grabbed a role of tulle for a cute bow. Lastly I grabbed a cute dishcloth (the wreath base is pretty small so I figured it would wrap around most of the wreath base.) You also need a hot glue gun.
The first step is to wrap your base with the dish cloth.
Once you've got it all wrapped up turn it back facing up and hot
glue the towel to the back. It should end up looking something like this:
Now to take care of that big ugly gap. Grab your bells and start glueing.
I took the larger bells and glued them on first, then took the smaller ones
to fill in the gaps. I finished off by tying a tulle bow around one end to give it
a cute asymmetrical look. Thats it! Soo easy anyone could do it! ( I promise!!) Give it a try!

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