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DIY Tassels

Thursday, July 11, 2013
These cute tassels have been popping up all over the place. On bags, necklaces, bracelets and basically wherever you want to put them. Good news is you can accessorize with these however and whenever you want because they are super easy to make! 
You will need: 
-material (I suggest leather or pleather because it won't fray and is easy to work with but as you can see I went with something different and it worked out ok)
-glue (there is special leather glue you can buy or just use hot glue), since I have neither I had to hand stitch mine.
Cut your material into a rectangle size varies depending on how big you want your tassel
Cut equal length strips long wise across your material. This you can measure out with a ruler or just eyeball.
Leave a small gap in one end of the material as pictured.
Cut a smaller strip and loop it over itself.
Glue or stitch down your loop and then roll up your material starting from the loop and working toward the cut out.
Once everything is rolled up glue down the remaining edge!
Here is how I have been using my tassel! The zipper pull fell off a while ago and I had just been using a paperclip but I switched it out for this cute tassel instead. I hope you guys try out this DIY! Let us know if you do and feel free to share your results!

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